Monday, December 26, 2011

Just doing the running part

I have enjoyed taking some time off from the crazy exercise schedule to focus on important things like my mental health, my relationships, and my career.  I have enjoyed being stressed by Christmas and a project at work without having it impact a rigorous training schedule to boot.  I indulged in all my holiday favorites to the point that now, just looking at sugar gives me a stomach ache.  I have not been on my bike or back in the pool since the race.  I have packed on an extra 15 lbs of mass.  But, taking the time to reset physically and mentally is as important as all the training, and I am looking forward to picking up my training again in January.  I do have a marathon in February (not a big deal, it's only running).  I have started working on my speed for this, and there is definitely progress to be made.  I am currently running at a 10min/mi pace.  I hope to reduce that to a 9 min/mi pace over the next month.  My brother is visiting for the holidays, and we are going to do a 16 mile run together this week. 

My body is fighting a little as I try to get back into my routines.  I think there is still some part of me that wants to stay in bed all day and watch old episodes of The X-files.  The problem with a day that starts out like this is that it never picks up momentum, and I get absolutely nothing accomplished.  It is too much work to get out of my pajamas and pick up my prescriptions or groceries.  Too many days like that in a row, and I am out of food and drugs.  So, it is time to get back into a healthy routine, hit the gym, eat better, drop some pounds, and take my vitamins.  Ah, just in time for a New Year's resolution!!