Friday, May 28, 2010

I love sporks

I ate my breakfast today with a spork, and the rest of the day regretted not having said spork for my other meals. Cantaloupe is a great spork fruit!

I had a fantastic run this morning with my dogs. Pepe tried to kill me just so he could make an attempt at catching a butterfly, but did not kill me as I am very much alive. I love how happy he is on our run together. My dad said both dogs just wanted to snuggle the rest of the day, and he had a relaxing afternoon looking after them :-).

I am so tired today, just trying to get through the day at work, but it is almost over, and then 4 days of freedom!! :-) I went for a swim on my break tonight, and did about 20 minutes of intervals. I need to do another swim this weekend and also lift because I missed those workouts, but I can do those on Saturday while Steve and his buddies work on Churrios. I need to come up with a recipe for my chili moat as well. . . Days are too short, I think. And there aren't enough opportunities to use sporks-chili would be a good spork food.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming

My run yesterday went really well, I managed to get the dogs out for a few miles, and they enjoyed the exercise. Ayesha went for a 1.25 miles. I am so proud of her! She doesn't try to trip me anymore, and has gotten a bit faster, though the end of the run she still slows down a lot. Pepe is still a wonderful runner, aside from the occasional bird distraction. He ran 2 miles, and still howled at the door when I went out for my last 3.

For my break at work yesterday, I went to the gym to get my swim done. I was so happy to get to swim! Last week was a mess at work and I couldn't get away :-(. I could have kept going forever, but finished my workout and went back to work.

Today, I slept in too late to go for my morning ride, so the stationary bike awaits me on my break tonight :-). Which means I get to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies?

On a side note: I am very upset today about the situation with the Diet Dr. Pepper (DDP) fountain in the cafe. "Out of Order", huh? Why even come to work if you can't get your DDP fix. I might have some serious symptoms from the withdrawal. I already feel fatigue and increased irritability.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A great day!

Yesterday was a tough day at work. I didn't get any of my workouts in because I never stopped working :-(. 12 hours straight, and I couldn't find a moment to comfortably get away for a swim or go to the gym to lift. But, today, I was able to run my 12 miles, and it felt so good! I put some time into my meal plan for the week, and it is looking yummy! I am ready for a few days off when I can go for a long ride and hopefully get to the gym to swim a couple of times.

The best part of my run today was when I reached mile 6 and almost forgot I was running. My thoughts were drifting, and it was great to just imagine instead of worry about life :-). Steve ran my last 4 miles, and pushed me to run a little faster! Can't wait for my ride tomorrow!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The temperature outside is 84 degrees, feels like 81

Yeah? Feels more like 101! I just finished 5 miles in this "feels like 81" morning :-). It will be worth it to get used to it now. My shift at work kind of forces me away from my very early morning runs, and maybe that's a good thing.

While I am not feeling sorry for myself yet, I am feeling sorry for my poor puppies! I took them out for the first mile. I had Pepe on my left and Ayesha on my right (well, until she just dropped back and tried to run only where she could find shade). When we got home, they both seemed happy to have gone, but were quite anxious to get to the ice water :-).

My plan for the rest of the day is to take my dinner break at the gym and then go swim after work. Swimming after work has never happened because I get off work very sleepy :-).

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ode to Chocolate Milk

Ode to Chocolate Milk:

You are all I desire
At the end of my ride
You taste of accomplishment
And my increasing pride

With each mile I run,
You make it so clear,
That I can recover
As long as you’re here

You are on my mind
At lap forty-five,
I complete these last laps
With increasing drive

In my refrigerator,
I reserve you a place
So I'll be strong when
I compete in this race

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Curse you cheese dip!!

I am starting this blog because I think about so many things when I run/bike/swim, and I want to have them stored somewhere in case anyone is curious about my mini-adventure.

Today was supposed to be a 20 mi bike ride with Steve, but last night was a late one with foods I should probably have avoided. This cheese dip with meat and salsa just begged to be tasted, and the cursed stuff was full of some, as of yet undefined, substance which interferes with all brain function associated with appetite control. It helped in no way at all that it was paired with corn chips (delicious little bastards)! Needless to say, I woke up with a food hangover. If you've never experienced this, don't try. I could taste the salt from the previous evening's indulgence, and I felt like I would never stop feeling thirsty.

After getting through the morning, Steve and I managed to play some racquetball together, and it made me feel much better. I also went for a 3 mi run tonight with Steve and Pepe, who is a great little runner (just keep it at 3 miles). On my run, I started singing to myself, and I settled on "Let it be". I couldn't have come up with a better mantra for the day if I'd sat for hours. As I repeated the phrase, it seemed to address my failing. Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be . . .