Thursday, June 2, 2011

A girl's just as hot as the shoes she choose

 Ah, nothing like the cliche thought of a woman and her shoes.  Shoes are the foundation of fashion, and for women, they have the power to bring joy in so many ways.  What better moment in a girl's life than the day she gets her first pair of heels (usually she is under the age of 5, and her shoes are plastic).  Then, there is our first set of ballet slippers.  I can remember dancing in those slippers until I was too tired to stand, and falling into my mothers lap after she watched the entire "ballet" (which was more like random jumping and flailing, but it was beautiful in its own way).  Some girls had tap shoes, and though I never wanted to tap dance, I always loved the click of those shoes!  The impact of a pair of shoes can sometimes surprise you.  I had a pair of flip flops that traveled the world with me- bright green, ugliest pieces of crap you've ever seen, but I loved them dearly because of the memories associated with them.

I stare at a closet filled with shoes.  Each of them define me.  They give me purpose.  I am not your typical shoe shopper.  I do not care what color of shoes I am buying.  I do not care if my purse matches my purchase.  I only think about what the shoes allow me to accomplish.  Every pair of shoes I wear has a title identifying its function:  running shoes, biking cleates, hiking boots, paragliding boots, dress shoes. Shoes are a reflection of what you intend to accomplish.  My running shoes tell the world, "I intend to exercise".  My heels imply, "I am going out".  My cycling cleats say, "I will be on my bike soon".  And, my flip flops say "I will be doing very little". 

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