Thursday, April 21, 2011

First ride to work on my new bike!

I rode 12.5 miles to work this morning (technically yesterday afternoon).  I am pretty impressed with how slow you can go with a slightly (let's be honest, a much) heavier bike.  I loaded the bike rack up with all my food and clothing for the day (because we can't be without an extra change of clothes for the gym, now can we?).  The weather was perfect, you know, not too cold, but not so hot that a single water bottle wouldn't get me to my destination.  I get really stressed out on my drive to work sometimes, and riding my bike helps me out in a few ways.  The first is, I leave so early that there is no stress about getting in late.  Next, I don't have to fret that I forgot to get gas on my way home the "night" before.  And, there is not a lot of stop and go traffic in the bike lane.  But, the best of all, is that I get a nice dose of pre-work endorphines to start the day off right!

My legs are really sore from my long run on Tuesday.  I ran 16 miles, and I am too sore.  I let myself get "out of shape" I guess.  I need to be more disciplined about keeping my schedule.  I can't do my long bike ride until next week because of Easter, but after that, I should be good to start building my way back up to 100 miles.  I think I can.  I think I can.  I think I can.

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